Recon, Recoup


Today was the day after a wonderful vacation when you realize you didn’t actually sleep on vacation and maybe you drank more than usual as well… And, you know, Whiskey works really hard during the day so he needed a nap too. 😉

When’s our next trip to Florida?

#100happydays #day13



While we were in Florida this weekend Aunt Ellie told me stories about her childhood, and my grandparents, and my great-grandparents. She also gave me copies of handwritten pages of Shallis family history. I’ve always wondered about my ancestry on my mom’s side but haven’t been able to find much on the different websites. Little did I know Aunt Ellie had asked my great-uncle all about his family before he passed. His history can be found in these pages, filled with names and dates and ports and movements. I know I can better know my place when I know the places of the generations before me.

#100happydays #day12

Tennis Anyone?


I rediscovered my love for tennis when Jonathan and I played this afternoon. (It was his first time but he’s a natural! I was tricked!) I feel a new competition coming on between us. 🙂

#100happydays #day11

The Village(s)


In the last 24 hours more photos have been taken of me than in the last year. (That may or may not be an exaggeration. Okay. My blog.) I’m usually the one snapping photos on my phone. (Snapping photos. That’s a term that the next generation won’t know.) So this is the only photo I took today, but it’s a good sum of the day. Lots of drinking, lots of talking.

#100happydays #day10